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Day 2 - Storytelling Workshop

By  testing     08:04    Labels:,,, 

Bootcamp Continues..

Incase, you don't know what the Story Telling bootcamp is about. Click here to read all the bootcamp blog posts.

Day 2

After an intense session on the first day the second day looked at Comicbooks, Graphic Novels, Oral Communication and a case study of an exhibition going on at the AUD Campus.

Merchandising using artworks

Tsunamika is a campaign by Upasana. Tsunamika has so far been the most successful and fulfilling socially responsible communication design intervention for Upasana. The campaign was started to help women who were victims of Tsunami waves in Tamil Nadu. The doll, Tsunamika, is made of simple and accessible materials like paper clips, small pieces and cloth and threads. The project helps the victims with rehabilitation techniques and giving them opportunities to commercialize their skills of stitching which helps them make a living in the aftermath of Tsunami.

The Tsunamika Doll
The campaign also looks at other ways of mmerchandisingthe character using storybooks which feature Tsunamika as a child victim of Tsunami waves who is looking for the Sun so that he could fulfill her wish to make lots of friends. Some other commercial products include keychains, bags, Pencil Sets (buy them here)

Dialogues and Picture Postcards

All the students were given a sheet of paper with illustrations and clippings from various comic strips. The strips had no text in the speech bubble and we were instructed to give each illustration/speech bubble some text to give context to the illustrations.

A classmate performing the exercise of adding sentences to speech bubbles in comics.
Some of the illustrations included images in both sequence and some without a dialogue box as such giving us the liberty to give any kind of context to the images. Some of the examples that I made can be seen below.
"NO! Bad umbrella! Sit, Boy, Sit!"

Left: If looking good is common, you sure look different!
Right: Yoyo! No No!

Date with Delhi

An exhibition about Old Delhi was out up in the Ambedkar University as an attempt to bring museum to people. The exhibition was in a corridor of the university with installations that had a combination of text and images. The walking exhibition was quite well organised and seemed to have quite a few visitors other than us. The content seemed well researched.

Some of the images didn't mention the resource that they were taken from and neither did the content. However, I felt the exhibition could have used more energy. The concept of bringing a museum to people could have been more successful than it already was if a third dimension could be added to the exhibition. Though the space worked really well for the style of presentation, The presence of some artifacts or objects from Old Delhi could have given that third dimension to the exhibition.
Students gathered to share reflections about the exhibition.

Recording oral history

After visiting the exhibition about history of Old Delhi we headed to Cannaut Place where we had to look for a person who's story we had to record. Edit the sound clip and make it into a seamless audio.
I recorded this wonderful floweriest in Inner Circle.

Florist working in Gillu Florist store.

About testing

I draw a lot and Im a second year student @ Pearl Academy, I also freelance in my spare time.

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